College of Charleston Board of Trustees to Meet

News Briefs

The College of Charleston Board of Trustees will hold a meeting on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 17-18, 2024.

The College of Charleston Board of Trustees will hold a meeting on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 17-18, 2024. The meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m. in Alumni Hall and via Zoom Video Conference

The Zoom Video Conference meeting can be accessed by using:
Conference Call #: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 916 6742 9795


Thursday, October 17, 2024

8 a.m. – Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting Call to Order (Vision, Strategy and Priorities Session)
11:30 a.m. – Buffet Lunch

Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes : August 8, 2024 Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
Information/Discussion Items

  • First Quarter Budget/Financial Dashboard Update
  • Housing and Dining Rate Increases Informational
  • Capital Project Approval
    • Addlestone Library Special Collections Third Floor Replace Existing HVAC Equipment
    • Sottile Theater HVAC RTU 1 Replacement

Executive Session

  • Receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
  • Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
  • Personnel matters – legal matters covered by attorney-client privilege
  • Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

Old Business/New Business: Motion to approve two Capital Projects

Property Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 8, 2024 Property Committee Meeting
Information Items: Property Reports
Executive Session

  • Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

New Business/Old Business

Academic Affairs Committee Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 8, 2024, Academic Affairs Committee Meeting
Information Items / Provost’s Report

  • Dean Introductions
  • Dean Searches
  • New Faculty Update
  • New Program Proposal for Approval
  • B.S. Nursing

Dashboard: Enrollment Update
Executive Session

  • Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

New Business / Old Business

  • Approve one new program
  • Approve December degree resolution


Student Affairs and Athletics Committee Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome
Chair’s Welcome 
Approval of Minutes: Thursday, August 8, 2024 Student Affairs and Athletics Committee Meeting
Student Spotlights

  • President of the Graduate Student Association
  • President of the Student Government Association
  • Chair of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee

Athletics Updates: Men’s and Women’s Basketball Preview
Student Affairs Updates: SPECTRA Summary and Update (2023 and 2024 Classes)
Executive Session

  • Receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
  • Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
  • Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

Old Business/New Business 

Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 8, 2024 DAGER Committee Meeting
Information/Discussion Items
Advancement Update  

  • Homecoming Walkthrough
  • FY24 Numbers to Date
  • Dashboard

Marketing and Communications Update

  • New Website Analytics
  • New Digital Edition of College of CharlestonC Magazine

Executive Session

  • Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services and competitive information
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

New Business/Old Business

Board of Trustees Meeting (Recesses)

4 p.m. – Former Chair and Trustee David Hay’s Portrait Unveiling and Reception
5 p.m. – Men’s Basketball Practice – TD Arena
6:15 p.m. – Dinner with the President and Board of Trustees Muse Restaurant, 82 Society Street – Business Attire

Friday, October 18, 2024

8 a.m. – Continental Breakfast
8:25 a.m. – BOT Group Photo
8:30 a.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting Reconvenes

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Moment in History
Commemoration of Retired Board Members
Reports – Alumni Association Board President, Foundation Board Chair and Charleston Athletic Fund President
Faculty Senate Report
Staff Advisory Committee Report

Access, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 8, 2024 Committee Meeting
Information/Discussion Items

  • Institutional Diversity
  • Student Success Program Update
  • Diversity Education and Training Highlights

Campus Climate Survey
Dashboard: Enrollment Planning Update
Old Business/New Business

Audit and Governance Committee Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 8, 2024 Audit and Governance Committee Meeting
Information Items

  • BOT Mission Statement, 3 Pillars and Words of Commitment Cards
  • FY24 ACFR Briefing – Cherry Bekaert, External CPA Firm (Roselle Bonnoitt and Elizabeth Welch)

Board Officers and Trustees Emeriti Nominations

  • SACSCOC Board Members’ Self-Evaluation Survey Results/Compilation Report
  • Governmental Relations Report

Executive Session

  • Receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

New Business/Old Business

Board of Trustees Meeting

  • Election of Board Officers and Trustees Emeriti
  • Board of Trustees Committee Chairs’ Reports
  • Committee Resolutions/Motions
  • Board of Trustees Chair’s Report
  • President’s Report

Board of Trustees Meeting (Executive Session)

  • Legal Counsel will consult and provide legal advice on Litigation, including actual and potential legal claims, and legal advice that relates to a pending, threatened or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
  • Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
  • Employee records – legal matters and executive contract negotiations – personnel matters
  • Personnel matters – legal matters covered by attorney-client privilege
  • Discussion of trade secrets (Section 30-4-40) where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
  • On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session

Old Business/New Business

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