College of Charleston Board of Trustees to Hold Meeting
The College of Charleston Board of Trustees will hold a meeting on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024.

The College of Charleston Board of Trustees will hold a meeting on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024. The meeting will be held on Zoom Video Conference starting at 9 a.m.
The Zoom Video Conference meeting can be accessed by using:
Conference Call #: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 918 5442 9400
Board of Trustees Meeting
- Call to Order and Welcome
- Approval of Meeting Minutes
Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024, Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
- July 25, 2024, Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee Special Meeting
Information/Discussion Items
Budget & Finance FY24 Year End Close Projection
- Revenue, Expense and Margin Projection
- Fund Balance and Allocation Recommendation
- Project 205 Land Building Acquisition
- Report: Completion of Purchasing and Contracting Audit by S.C. Department of Administration
Executive Session
- Receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
- Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
- Personnel matters – legal matters covered by attorney-client privilege
- Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session
Old Business/New Business
Motion to Acquire and Finance Bond Resolution
Property Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Information Items
- Property Reports
Executive Session
- Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session
New Business/Old Business
Academic Affairs Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024, Academic Affairs Committee Meeting
Information Items / Provost’s Report
- Introduction of new dean and interim deans
- Dean Searches AY 2024-25
- Program Proposals AY 2024-25
Enrollment Update
- Freshman Update
- Transfer Update
- Fall 2025 Applications
Executive Session
- Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session
New Business / Old Business
Student Affairs and Athletics Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024, Student Affairs and Athletics Committee Meeting
Athletics Updates
- House V. NCAA Settlement Overview
Student Affairs Updates
- Fraternity and Sorority Life Path Forward Updates
Executive Session
- Receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
- Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
- Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session
Old Business/New Business
Development, Alumni, Governmental and External Relations Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024 DAER Committee Meeting
Information/Discussion Items
Advancement Update
- FY24 Results
- FY25 Goals
- FY25 Enhancements
Executive Session
- Discussion of trade secrets where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services and competitive information
- On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session
New Business/Old Business
Access, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024 Committee Meeting
Information/Discussion Items
- Institutional Diversity
- Student Success Program Update
- Diversity Education and Training Highlights
- Enrollment Planning
Old Business/New Business
Audit and Governance Committee Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- April 11, 2024 Audit and Governance Committee Meeting
Information Items
- Board Officers and Trustees Emeriti Nominations
- Governance Article
- Governmental Relations Report
- Upcoming SACSCOC Board Members’ Self-Evaluation Survey
Executive Session
- Receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
On returning to open session, action may be taken on the items discussed during the executive session
New Business/Old Business
Committee Resolutions and Motions
Committee Resolutions/Motions
President’s Report
Board of Trustees Chair’s Report
Executive Session – Zoom Video Conference
- Legal Counsel will consult and provide legal advice on Litigation, including actual and potential legal claims, and legal advice that relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege
- Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed purchase/lease of property
- Consideration of Candidates’ Qualifications for Commencement Speakers and Candidates’ Qualifications for Honorary Degrees
- Employee records – legal matters and executive contract negotiations – personnel matters
- Personnel matters – legal matters covered by attorney-client privilege
- Discussion of trade secrets (Section 30-4-40) where public disclosure would expose commercially valuable plans, marketing services, and competitive information
Old Business/New Business
Meeting Adjourns