CofC to Offer Degree in International Engineering and Management
The College will team with the German University of Applied Sciences NORDAKADEMIE to establish the new degree.

The College of Charleston and German University of Applied Sciences NORDAKADEMIE have partnered together with essential industry partners to offer a German-American co-op program in a unique form. It is designed to provide businesses with skilled, workforce-ready employees on Day One, with international experience.
“The College of Charleston is excited to partner with NORDAKADEMIE, a university of applied sciences based in Hamburg, Germany, in piloting an innovative bachelor’s degree equivalent to the German ‘Duales Studium’ [dual studies] in international engineering and management, which combines academics and real-world work experience,” says College of Charleston President Andrew T. Hsu. “This program will benefit South Carolina’s workforce development needs, one of the greatest challenges facing our modern economy.”
Throughout this three-year program, participants will be compensated by their sponsoring employer who is also funding their tuition, gain practical work experience at their employer and complete their bachelor’s degree in international engineering and management through courses at the College of Charleston and NORDAKADEMIE.
Designed to meet our region’s workforce development needs, the program offers the flexibility for businesses to select qualified existing employees, high school students or technical and four-year college students.
For more information, please visit or contact Garth Cook, director of business engagement, at