College of Charleston In The News: Week of Feb. 3, 2025
CofC “In The News” is a weekly roundup of news articles featuring College faculty, staff, students or alumni.

Political science professor Claire Wofford writes an article for The Conversation about immigration laws.

Charleston’s 50 Most Influential for 2024
President Andrew T. Hsu has been named one of the top influential people in Charleston by Charleston Business Magazine.

Teachable Moments: Renewable energy solutions for K-12 school districts
South Carolina Public Radio releases the latest episode of Teachable Moments, hosted by associate professor of management Rénard Harris.

Will changing weather patterns expose dolphins to more chemicals?
Lowcountry Biz reports on dolphin research conducted by health and human performance faculty members Leslie Hart and Miranda Dziobak.

State of Black College of Charleston Summit kicks off Black History Month
WCSC-TV reports on the recent State of CofC Black Summit.

German-American Business Summit is Feb 12th
Cory Werkheiser, director of career success at the School of Business, talks with South Carolina Public Radio about the German-American Summit.

The Southeast’s first urban eco-corridor aims to connect fragmented habitats in Charleston
History professor Blake Scott talks to The Post and Courier about Lowcountry streams.

College of Charleston reveals Black History Month events with lectures, films, and more
WCIV-TV highlights CofC events planned to celebrate Black History Month.
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