College of Charleston Civility Initiative Announces Fall Events
The Civility Initiative at the College of Charleston is preparing a full slate of events this fall to help foster civil conversations.

The Civility Initiative at the College of Charleston was created to foster real change. The initiative highlights the value of mutual respect when sharing opposing ideas and how conversations can help to bridge political divides.
The country faces twin crises: loneliness, isolation and suspicion on the one hand, and anger, polarization and potential violence on the other. With an eye toward building a campus culture around civility and community, the initiative brings nationally renowned journalists, writers and commentators to the College to present new ideas on how individuals can get along better in a democracy.
“So many problems in America seem like they are the result of too much aggression, too much fighting,” says Michael Lee, director of the Civility Initiative and professor of communication at the College of Charleston. “While this is certainly true, it ignores the quieter problem of flight. That is, when we withdraw from one another, when we’re isolated from one another, when we don’t know much about one another, then it’s easier to imagine neighbors as demons.
“The risks of fight and flight are especially prevalent around a contentious presidential election,” he adds. “The Civility Initiative at the College of Charleston addresses both fight and flight, and we could not be more excited about the slate of programs we have planned over the next several months.”

The first Civility Initiative event of the semester is “Creating Safe Environments: A Public Health Discussion,” with a keynote address by Dr. Jerome Adams, former surgeon general of the United States (2017-2021), physician, author of Crisis and Chaos, Purdue Health equity director and former IN Health director. Lee will then moderate a panel discussion with public health faculty Brian Bossak and Leslie Hart focusing on critical lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and answering how can we respond better to the next threat, why we keep making the same mistakes and why we must promote health equity for all. The event will be held in Craig Union from 4 to 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024.
Below are additional upcoming events. All events at the College of Charleston are free and open to the public, and most events will be held on campus.
Navigating the Modern Media Landscape
Monday, Sept. 16, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
Mt. Pleasant Library (1133 Mathis Ferry Road)
Lee and Ryan Milner, chair of the Department of Communication, will lead a talk.
Banned Together
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 5:30 –7:30 p.m.
Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center (58 Coming St.), room 101
The CI will co-host the screening of Banned Together, a documentary about students in a South Carolina coastal town who collide with the book-banning frenzy in the U.S. when 97 books are banned from their school libraries. The students become national anti-censorship activists. A discussion will follow the documentary viewing.
Undivide Us
Thursday, Oct. 3, 5:30 p.m.
Thaddeus Street Jr. Education Center (25 St. Philip St.), Septima Clark Memorial Auditorium (room 118)
The CI and Center for Market Choice will co-host a screening of Undivide Us, a film about polarization and free speech, followed by a Q&A.
Your Favorite Brand no Longer Cares About Being Woke
Monday, Oct. 14, 1–2 p.m.
Tate Center for Entrepreneurship (9 Liberty St.), room 202
The CI and the School of Business will host a conversation with Mike Serazio, communication professor at Boston College University. Serazio specializes in marketing and branding in a polarized culture.
Polarization in America
Monday, Nov. 11, 6–7:30 p.m.
Sottile Theatre (44 George St.)
The Department of Communication, in partnership with the CI, will host a signature event featuring New York Times columnist, Jamelle Bouie. A Q&A will follow.