Amazon Locker Available to College of Charleston Faculty, Staff

Campus Updates

The Amazon Locker on campus makes receiving and returning packages easy and convenient!

Amazon Locker Bente

Afternoon storms, porch pirates, curious kids with upcoming birthdays: There are plenty of reasons we don’t want our Amazon packages to be left at our doors until we can finally get home to retrieve them. And, with an Amazon Locker on campus, the College of Charleston community’s Amazon orders and returns never have to be exposed to the elements again.

With Amazon Locker Bente located in the Lightsey Center Annex courtyard, this secure, self-service kiosk makes it easy and convenient to receive and return Amazon purchases without worry.

Here’s how to send your package to the locker location:

  1. When checking out of Amazon, select either “Ship to an Amazon Pickup location” or “Search for an Amazon Pickup location.” (It will state one or the other.)
  2. Search by zip code (29424), landmark (College of Charleston) or the Amazon Locker name (Bente).
  3. Select “Amazon Locker – Bente.”
  4. It will state the locker has restricted access and is not a public locker. Click the checkbox to confirm you have access to this location.
  5. Complete checkout as usual.
  6. Once package is delivered, you will receive an email with your unique pickup code (PIN). Go to the locker location and follow the onscreen instructions using your pickup code.

To return a package at an Amazon Locker:

  1. Visit Amazon’s Online Returns Center to submit a return request.
  2. After you submit your return request in the Online Return Center, you will receive a Locker drop-off code via email. Take the unique code to your locker location.
  3. Enter your code into the touch screen display and follow the instructions on the screen.

There are size limitations and collection deadlines (usually three days) with Amazon Lockers, but Amazon makes it all straightforward. And, of course, convenient.

Please note that a second Amazon Locker on campus, “Discus,” is temporarily closed.

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