New College of Charleston Students Excited to Get Started
July 3, 2024
Alicia Lutz
Students, Campus Life, All News
The College Today tracked down a few students at orientation to find out what they are most excited about for their first semester at the College. Here's what they had to say!
Campus is buzzing with excitement and anticipation this summer, as more than 2,000 accepted students visit for New Student Orientation and get one step closer to starting something extraordinary at the College of Charleston.
There’s a lot to look forward to for these new Cougars as they begin their journey as college students, and Julia Neimark, a junior majoring in communication and interning with The College Today, tracked down a few students at orientation to find out what they are most excited about for their first semester at the College. Here’s what they had to say!
What are you most looking forward to about coming to College of Charleston in the fall?
“I am looking forward to getting to know the history of the city because I’ve never really been and never made a new community somewhere like this before. I am from a small island; it’s going to be interesting.“
Cydney Mosscrop Nantucket, Massachusetts Marketing Major @Cydneymosscrop
“I am looking forward to meeting new people and getting my degree.”
Bryson McBride Florence, South Carolina Biology Major @brysonmcbridee
“Joining a fraternity and getting a good education.”
Caden Abel Charleston, South Carolina Engineering Major @caden_abel
“I am looking forward to taking new classes and I’m planning on doing some intramural sports and other clubs.”
“Meeting new people and the social events that come with the College. I am planning on joining many, but the one I am looking forward to most is Greek life.”
Meme Merchant Warrington, Virginia Communication Major @mememerchantt
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