CofC Student Selected for Fulbright UK Summer Institutes Program
Jakob Highducheck leaves on July 2 for a four-week Fulbright UK Summer Institutes program at the University of Exeter's Institute of Global Sustainability.

Biology major Jakob Highducheck has been selected by the US-UK Fulbright Commission for a four-week summer program at the University of Exeter’s Institute of Global Sustainability, where he will study climate change issues in southwest England.
“I am very excited about this opportunity to participate in one of the most prestigious and selective summer programs operating worldwide,” says the Honors College and Entrepreneurship Living-Learning Community student, adding that he is especially excited to experience new cultures and ideas and hopes to grow his knowledge as a scientist and deepen his understanding as a filmmaker. “I really want to make a difference in the world through science and storytelling, and I think the Fulbright program at the University of Exeter will help me develop and grow in both of those areas.”
Additionally, Highducheck hopes to bring his cultural and academic experiences that he learns in the UK back to Charleston and promote positive cultural exchange between the United States and the United Kingdom.
The summer institutes form part of the US-UK Fulbright Commission’s work to promote leadership, learning and empathy between nations through educational exchange.
“Cultural exchange is a truly transformative experience, and I am excited to see this year’s UK Summer Institutes participants embark on this journey of immersing themselves in British academia and culture,” says Maria Balinska, executive director of the commission. “I’m confident this experience will leave a lasting impression on both the participants and on those they meet and connect with during their time here.”
The commission selects participants through a rigorous application and interview process. In making these awards, the commission looks not only for academic excellence but a focused application, a range of extracurricular and community activities, demonstrated ambassadorial skills and a plan to give back to the recipient’s home country upon returning.
“I’m so proud of the work that Jakob put into his application, and I’m thrilled that the selection committee saw the merit of his work,” says Sidney Woram, associate director of the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards, adding that the Fulbright Summer Institutes cover participants’ major costs and provide them with a distinctive support and cultural education program, including comprehensive pre-departure guidance, enrichment opportunities in country and an opportunity to be part of the Fulbright alumni network. “The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes is an invaluable experience that allows students to gain international experience and immerse themselves in a different culture. Jakob will gain new skills and expand his intellectual and cultural horizons. We can’t wait for him to embark on this adventure.”
Highducheck will begin the program at the beginning of July.