College of Charleston President Updates Campus on Brand Identity
May 2, 2024
Alicia Lutz
Campus Updates
College of Charleston President Andrew T. Hsu sent the following message about institutional branding to the campus community on Thursday, May 2, 2024:
Dear Campus Community,
I hope the spring semester went well for all of you and that you are looking forward to your summer plans, whatever they may be.
I’m writing with an update on our institutional branding. As you may recall, I announced to campus last semester that I had appointed a campus working group to evaluate our university’s current logo system. This working group, led by Vice President of Marketing and Communications Ron Menchaca, included representatives from all our major academic and administrative divisions. The group has submitted its recommendations to me, and I’m pleased to share with you a summary of the reprioritized structure for our university logo system.
To be clear, this working group was not charged with creating a new institutional logo. Creating a new campus logo is a major undertaking that would involve many constituencies, as well as significant resources and time. The College is not adopting a new institutional logo at this time.
Here’s what we are doing:
The current Randolph Hall logo and wordmark will remain a part of our logo system, but these elements will be used more often for external building signage and internal communications.
Our current Athletics logo – referred to as the Block C – will become more prominent in our external marketing and recruitment efforts. The goal is to make the College of Charleston name instantly recognizable and to reinforce the interdependence between our university and our beloved city of Charleston.
Because the Block C logo did not previously include the full College of Charleston name, our Marketing and Communications team has now incorporated our name using one of the College’s approved fonts – Avenir Next LT Pro.
The Block C and the College of Charleston name can now be used in conjunction with your unit identifier. This application will be appropriate for items such as event flyers, business cards and internal building signage. Our Marketing and Communications team is in the process of designing new unit identifiers like the example below. Unless you have an urgent need for a pending order, please allow time for this design work to be completed, as the College has numerous unit identifiers.
In the interest of sustainability, please exhaust all current supplies of printed materials with the Randolph Hall logo (business cards, letterhead, etc.) before ordering new items with the Block C logo and type treatment.
And finally, as a reminder, the College’s brand manual is official university policy. Please do your part to ensure that we present our brand identity to internal and external audiences consistently and professionally.
Andrew T. Hsu, Ph.D. President College of Charleston
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