College of Charleston In The News: Week of April 29, 2024
CofC “In The News” is a weekly roundup of news articles featuring College of Charleston faculty, staff, students or alumni.

Political science professor Claire Wofford is interviewed by The Conversation about a United States Supreme Court hearing.

A Megaraptor Emerges From Footprint Fossils, Study Suggests
Paleontologist Scott Persons talks to The New York Times about a discovery in China.

On-demand caregiving platform, CofC students launch tech workshops for seniors
WCSC-TV reports that several College of Charleston students are working with a health care startup that connects them with seniors who need caregivers.

Fate of College Lodge sealed: CofC gets OK to demolish the empty motel-turned-dormitory
The Post and Courier reports that the Board of Architectural Review has approved the demolition of College Lodge.
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