College of Charleston Guest Parking Passes

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Want to provide parking for a guest on campus? Here’s what you need to know.

St. Philip Street Parking Garage

Want to provide parking for a guest on campus? Here’s what you need to know.

Who counts as a guest?

A guest is someone conducting official College of Charleston business for a department or office. Guest passes cannot be used by College of Charleston faculty, staff or students, nor are they intended for use by friends or family members of College of Charleston faculty, staff or students.

How do I request a guest pass?

Departments/offices can request a guest pass or multiple passes using this Campus Services form. Please note that Campus Services HQ needs at least 72 hours advance notice because they must first request the guest barcodes from the College’s garage-management company before the pass(es) can be processed.

Where can the guest passes be used?

Guest passes are valid at the following garages:

  • Aquarium
  • Francis Marion
  • George
  • St. Philip St.

How do I pay for guest passes?

Your department or office will be charged at the end of each month. Each department/office is solely responsible for the guest passes issued to it, as well as any charges incurred against those guest passes.

If you have any questions, email or call 843.953.1100.

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