CofC Podcast: Tips for Career Exploration Fair

CofC Podcast, Campus Life, All News

Leap into your future at the College of Charleston Career Exploration Fair on Feb. 29, 2024.

On this episode of Speaking of … College of Charleston, Julia Heslin, a senior majoring in communication, speaks with Jim Allison, executive director of the College’s Career Center, and Karen Fritchman, the Career Center’s director of employer relations.

Allison kicks off the conversation by talking about the various offerings at the Career Center for College of Charleston students.

“In higher education and student development, probably the areas that are most underutilized or areas that would be the most appropriate to emphasize for soon-to-be graduates, are to please make sure to have your résumé critiqued by someone in the Career Center before you graduate,” he says. “The hardest thing for an undergraduate student to do is apply for a job after graduation cold.”

Allison adds that “national data has shown for several decades that students who utilize their college career centers have a much higher percentage of securing an internship, as well as securing an interview for a full-time job.”

The most frequent questions students ask, according to Fritchman, are:

  1. Does my résumé have to be one page?
  2. Do I need a cover letter?
  3. Where do I start if I have no job experience?

Fritchman talks about the upcoming spring Career Exploration Fair that will be held at the Charleston Gaillard Center on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024, 12–4 p.m.

Curated for all students, including those just starting to take a peek into what career might fit their passions and interests, and those who are graduating and ready to start their careers.

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