'In Our DNA SC' Sample Collection Event at College of Charleston

Faculty Staff News

The campus community is invited to join MUSC's In Our DNA SC sample collection event on Jan. 29 in the Stern Student Center lobby.

Interested in learning how your DNA can affect your health? Join MUSC’s In Our DNA SC sample collection event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 29, in the College of Charleston’s Stern Student Center lobby.

In Our DNA SC aims to enroll 100,000 participants in genetic testing. Once enrolled, participants will receive confidential results about their genetic risk for certain cancers and heart disease – all at no cost to them!

Participants will receive a genetic ancestry report that shows where their ancestors likely lived. The traits report will explain how participants’ genes may influence certain traits (such as caffeine sensitivity).

In addition, participants will be screened for three conditions that can be passed down in families that put them at a higher risk for certain cancers and heart disease, including hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, Lynch Syndrome (hereditary colorectal cancer) and familial hypercholesterolemia (genetic high cholesterol). Participants who test positive for one of these conditions will be offered a genetic counseling appointment at no cost.

Over time, this information will help researchers learn what may cause certain diseases, how to treat them more effectively, and help improve the standard of health care for all. The In Our DNA SC team will keep participants updated on how their data is helping advance scientific research.

Before providing your saliva sample at the In Our DNA SC sample collection event at the College of Charleston, you will need to review the research consent form at web.musc.edu/inourdnasc. If you already have an established MUSC MyChart account, click on the blue “Sign Up Now via MyChart” button at the top of the webpage. You will be asked to login with your MUSC MyChart credentials which will then send you directly to the consent form. If you do not have an established MUSC MyChart account, click on the “Sign Up and View Results” on the lefthand menu and follow the instructions.

Please note, there are two options we currently provide for sample collection; you will choose “At Community Event.” Once you have reviewed, signed and submitted the form, download your own copy for your records. Then all you need to do is come to the Stern Student Center lobby between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on January 29, 2024. Please note that you cannot eat, drink, smoke or chew gum 30 minutes prior to giving your sample.

To learn more about In Our DNA SC, its impact on our community and how you can participate, visit inourdnasc.org. Together, we can support a healthier South Carolina for generations to come.

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